We understand the needs of online learning and the distribution of copyrighted music, and we want to support both distance learning and copyright holders. Here are our guidelines for the use of Hal Leonard materials while your school or performing ensemble meets virtually.
Audition and Adjudication Uses
- A digital copy of a work performed for audition or adjudication purposes may be sent to each judge for said performance, provided the necessary number of copies of the work have been purchased for each performer. All digital files must be deleted immediately following the performance. Digital copies may not be created or distributed as a means to avoid purchasing available product.
- Performance videos of purchased works may be sent to adjudicators in lieu of in-person contest, exam or audition performances. Videos must only be available via secure means to the performer, teacher or director, and adjudicator(s), and may not be publicly shared with others. All videos must be deleted immediately following completion of the adjudication.
Using Purchased Physical Products Digitally
- Purchased physical products may be distributed digitally provided the number of students/musicians accessing the digital editions does not exceed the number of purchased physical products. Digital distribution cannot replace purchasing music.
Using Purchased Digital Products
- Digital sheet music, part specific audio files and full performance audio files: A copy must be purchased for each student/musician who will have access to download the music or audio files to individual devices. Digital distribution cannot replace purchasing music.
- Accompaniment Recordings: The purchase of a single audio file grants the purchaser permission to distribute that file to the ensemble members for which it was purchased.
Digital Distribution Requirements
- All digital materials must be distributed to students/musicians via private, secure means and using best practices to restrict distribution of the music beyond the ensemble for whom the materials were purchased. Hosting materials via a public YouTube channel, social media platform, or other website accessible by the public is not allowed.
- Student/musician access to distributed files should be revoked upon completion of the academic term or performance season.
Creating Digital Teaching Materials
- Demonstration recordings, rehearsal tracks, and student/musician recordings may be created and distributed provided you control the distribution to only the same student/musician for whom you have purchased physical or digital products.
- Use of purchased sheet music examples in online learning videos is permitted when used as an extension of whole class/ensemble instruction. Videos should only be available to your class/ensemble and not publicly shared with others.
Other Digital Solutions
- You have full permission to use any content in our trials of online education solutions and we also offer several affordable online learning options with trials.
We are regularly reviewing the needs of our customers and publishers, and we will update these guidelines as needed.